On Dec 28, 2009, at 12:42 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> But NONE of these things compares to being there
> on the streets of Paris during a General Strike.
> The POWER of it astounds. Millions and millions
> of people just saying "NO!" And being willing to
> put their asses on the line by *living* "NO!"
> No cabs. No taxis. No buses. No subways. No planes.
> No trucks. As a result, no deliveries to markets.
> No food. (People shared what they had.) No health
> care providers, because they were out on strike,
> too. (In reality, they volunteered their services
> to take care of emergency patients, and never 
> charged for it.) No power and light. (Again, volun-
> teers made sure that anyone who needed these things
> had them.) The world just stops, because a people 
> decides to collectively say, "NO!"

The Day Paris Stood Still

I agree Barry, in theory at least, but in 
practicality how do you get 300 million
people (or at least the percentage that's
actually working) to do anything en masse?


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