--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_re...@...> wrote: > > > > > Jaana = Gyan = Knowledge = Ganapati = Ganesh = Genesis = Janus = The > > begginning of creation (or from where things spring forth in life) = > > genes = genetic information = Gyanna = Consciousness. > > > > Vi = to arise = to take flight = manifest - the universe = the wholeness > > of existence that is more than the sum of its parts = your own being = > > your self = your consciousness = the play and display of creative > > intelligence on the ground of existence = Vigyan. > > > > OffWorld > > > > Oh yeah, and for instance 'sinking' is a 'male sovereign ruler, > who breaks the divine or moral law, and stuff'... ;) >
One day you will explain something in a post. Until then, keep up your mis-information that feeds Vaj's ignorance, OffWorld