I usually don't put much "truck" into how celebrities feel about politics or 
politicians, but I find the following claim that Angelina Jolie hates Obama 
intriguing because I always assumed she was some huge leftist, particularly 
because Brad Pitt is a big Democrat:


The article states that Jolie suspects Obama is a "socialist in disguise". Wow, 
if true, that makes Jolie sound like Michael Savage...and certainly in the same 
camp as Rush Limbaugh.

But then I remembered reading something a few years ago and it started to make 
sense.  At the time it was rumored that Jolie was interested in taking the lead 
role for Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged". It was also reported at the time that 
Jolie was a big Rand fan. Ayn Rand, of course, is the godmother of the 
Libertarian movement and an ultra-capitalist.

In the article linked to above, though, it states that Jolie is NOT a 
Republican like her father which, again, makes sense if she was strongly 

I will have to readjust my assessment of Jolie -- in a more positive direction.

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