nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
>> Yup, Jolie is "pretty" confused.   Capitalism sucks.   It's just a bunch 
>> of robber barons holding the masses up.  They are a real drag on 
>> society.  The ironic thing is that the capitalists are getting bailouts 
>> from the government which is socialism for the rich while the rest of us 
>> are expected sink or swim in the cesspool of capitalism.
>> I'm really noticing trends in elitism in this country.  Special suff for 
>> the rich and nothing for the masses.  The time for revolution is NOW!
> Your wish has been granted. The revolution will be silent and very effective, 
> no bloodshed.
> "Now that communism is gone the next to go is capitalism"
> - Maharishi

I'm not holding my breathe.  That's been promised since the 1970s.  
Still waiting....

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