A philosophy professor from New Zealand recalls the 
Y2K apocalypticism at the dawn of the last decade:


"'The Y2K Nightmare' caught the sensationalist tone, 
claiming that 'folly, greed and denial' had 'muffled 
two decades of warnings from technology experts.'"

"Denial" - how useful that word is for the faux 


"KNOWING our computers is difficult enough. Harder 
still is to know ourselves, including our inner 
demons. From today's perspective, the Y2K fiasco seems 
to be less about technology than about a morbid 
fascination with end-of-the-world scenarios. This 
ought to strike us as strange."


"Apocalyptic scenarios are a diversion from real 
problems — poverty, terrorism, broken financial 
systems — needing intelligent attention. Even 
something as down-to-earth as the swine-flu scare has 
seemed at moments to be less about testing our health 
care system and its emergency readiness than about the 
fate of a diseased civilization drowning in its own 
fluids. We wallow in the idea that one day everything 
might change in, as St. Paul put it, the "twinkling of 
an eye" — that a calamity might prove to be the longed-
for transformation. But turning practical problems 
into cosmic cataclysms takes us further away from 
actual solutions.

This applies, in my view, to the towering seas, 
storms, droughts and mass extinctions of popular 
climate catastrophism. Such entertaining visions owe 
less to scientific climatology than to eschatology, 
and that familiar sense that modernity and its 
wasteful comforts are bringing us closer to a biblical 
day of judgment. As that headline put it for Y2K, 
predictions of the end of the world are often 
intertwined with condemnations of human "folly, greed 
and denial." Repent and recycle!"

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