--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Irmeli" <irmeli.matts...@...> wrote:
0> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > 
> > This is wonderful news, he's getting closer and closer to 
> > leading a normal life. If he could extend his daily routine 
> > with a trip to a local cafe with his family, or maybe descend 
> > into the subway and rub shoulders with the sweaty masses, he 
> > might get some insight into his true position. 
> > 
> > He could be really daring and try actually teaching TM in 
> > Paris and living on a teacher's income. If he spent a year 
> > doing that the administration of the movement would really 
> > change for the better.
> > 
> > The more I hear about this the more impressed I am with the guy.
> This is my perception also. Tony Nader seems to be a courageous 
> and determined man, who can carve out his own path and dharma 
> in spite of intensive external pressure to submit to the 
> expectations of others. He seems to have the qualities I 
> appreciate in a leader.

Cool, I guess. If what you are looking for in a 
"leader" is someone who allows himself to be 
dressed up like a Ken doll in a dress and crown,
be called the "king" of an imaginary country, 
and feels it necessary to hide *his own family*
from the subjects in his imaginary kingdom.

It might be mere projection on my part, but there
is a possibility that Hugo had his tongue somewhat
in his cheek above. Did you notice that there were a
number of "ifs" in his rap? *If* "King" Tony could 
extend his daily routine with a trip to a local 
cafe with his family. *If* "King" Tony could descend 
into the subway and rub shoulders with the sweaty 
masses. *If* "King" Tony would ever try actually 
teaching TM in Paris and living on a teacher's 

Honestly now...do you think any of those things ever
happened? The cafe, maybe. But this Barbie-whipped
Ken doll ever stepping foot into the Paris Metros?
Or lowering himself to teach TM? Gimme a break.

Call me crazy, but I think that many of the post-
revelation attempts to "spin" this story into a 
scenario in which "King Tony" is either sane or
admirable are in reality an attempt to preserve the
image of Maharishi as either sane or admirable.

"King" Ken has a multi-year history of being told
what to do by MahaBarbie. I for one do not see that
changing just because he frequents a sidewalk cafe
in Paris from time to time.

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