OK, Curtis, this is my last post of the week. You're
free to continue to dissemble to your heart's content
without fear of correction until Friday or Saturday.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> You know what would have worked better than another
> round of bluff and bluster?  Examples that would prove 
> your point to a reasonable person.  And pointing to a 
> bunch of old posts with me asking you the same thing 
> doesn't count.

You know as well as I do that the full context was
crucial with regard to that exchange. "Examples"
wouldn't cut it; the whole exchange was the example.

You read it, then refused to acknowledge it showed
exactly what I said it did.

"Doesn't count" is disingenuous (right there is an
"example"). It "doesn't count" only because you claim
it doesn't count, not because it isn't evidence.

You also know as well as I do that that exchange was
highly personal between you and me; that's why
nobody else got what you were doing even at the time.
How much less would a "reasonable person" *now* have
command of all the context necessary to see what was
happening from an out-of-context "example"?

More disingenuity. You demand the impossible, quite
deliberately, so you can claim I haven't been able to

And your *response* to my citing the exchange itself--
the elaborate interpretation of my behavior that
you claimed gave you "closure"--was, as I said, so
convoluted in its dishonesty--its outright
misrepresentations of the earlier exchange as well as
the current one--that to untangle them in a post
would also be impossible.

In fact, I gave untangling it a shot, offline, and
realized all I was doing was describing every post
in the earlier exchange one by one to show the actual
development and how you'd misrepresented it, because, 
again, the context was crucial. No point to it when
the original exchange is easily available.

I will give you one example from your response, what
you called your "recap":

"You claimed that I had said things after you had
warned me that caused you to go off on me, and it
was my fault because of the specific things I said
after your warning. But you can produce none except
the whole posts which I re-read and say nothing more
than me trying to figure out what set you off."

A tangle of misrepresentations about what the
original dispute involved.

First, what I warned you not to do was to demand an
explanation of why I said your first post showed
that you hadn't changed from what you were like on
alt.m.t. Subsequent posts show you doing *exactly
that*--you even acknowledge it in what I just quoted:
"trying to figure out what set you off."

I warned you *not* do do this because--as should have
been obvious--the reason had to do with your behavior
on alt.m.t. I couldn't explain why that first post
showed how you hadn't changed without referring to
what you hadn't changed *from*. I didn't want to dig
all that up any more than you professed not to.

What you described in that first post of your 
experience of our alt.m.t exchanges was starkly at
variance with my experience, and as such it was
distinctly snarky, although you tried to pretend it
had been intended as a compliment.

But that first snarky post was actually not that big
a deal; that's why I was willing to drop it and
suggested you do the same.

What "set me off" was your continued prodding after

All this is explicitly clear from the sequence of 
posts in the exchange.

But *even this* wasn't what I found so reprehensible.
If you were willing to take the consequences of the 
prodding, fine with me.

What was reprehensible was that you refused to
acknowledge that you'd prodded me into doing what I
had been trying to resist doing--describing my 
experience of your alt.m.t behavior--when folks were
jumping on me for doing it.

So that's the most recent example of your penchant for
dishonesty. Let's recap: It wasn't that first snarky
post; it wasn't the prodding; it was your refusal to
acknowledge the prodding, allowing me to take the 
entire blame for prolonging the exchange. (You didn't
even need to take the entire blame yourself; it would
have been enough for you to say it was mutual.)

Let's compare with your version already quoted above:

"You claimed that I had said things after you had
warned me that caused you to go off on me, and it
was my fault because of the specific things I said
after your warning. But you can produce none except
the whole posts which I re-read and say nothing more
than me trying to figure out what set you off."

(The interesting thing about your misrepresentations
quoted above is that around a month later in email,
you made it quite clear that you understood *exactly*
what my beef was, and you summarily dismissed it.)

Anyway, that's just one example of the disingenuity
of your "closure" post. It was relatively self-
contained, but look how long and complicated it was 
to demonstrate.

If I'm in the mood, I may see if I can find some 
examples from other threads and post them this 
weekend. But your kind of disingenuity typically 
involves little twists and leaps and sidesteps and 
corkscrews and ambiguities and strategic omissions
that are very difficult to untangle and require a
lot of context, like the quote above. It's also
hard to locate them with Yahoo's still-crippled 
search feature. I'd have to be able to recall a
specific word or phrase in the thread.

You are, of course, aware of all this. It's why you
keep demanding "examples" and claim I'm making it
all up if I don't provide any or just refer you to
a specific sequence of posts.

So if I can't find something quickly that's self-
contained enough to deal with briefly, I'm not gonna 
bother. But I stand by what I've said.

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