I was meditating on one of the "nude beaches" located between Monterey bay and 
Half-Moon Bay on the California coast. I was in the "gay" section because they 
always build the cutest sun-bathing/privacy shelters and haul out all of their 

I was having a very sublime experience, I became aware of movement around me 
and when I opened my eyes I saw that I was surrounded by hundreds of garter 
snakes - all squirming and writhing in a mass. I was like "wow that's cool"! 
and ofcourse went back to the mantra as instructed. 

When I ended my meditation, I opened my eyes and they all slowly departed into 
the adjacent bushes. It seemed like they were relishing the bliss too, and left 
when it ended.

A year later I was in an outdoor restaurant in northern Thailand (eating the 
best pork ever). I was conveying this exact experience to a friend, when he 
suddenly said: "Marty look behind you!" Sure enough, a cobra was slithering 
through the establishment. I took it as a validation of the intuitions I had 
about the prior experience. 

What was most surprising to me was the fact that none of the Thai locals even 
stopped eating - the pork was just that good!

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