On Feb 14, 2010, at 6:38 PM, ShempMcGurk wrote:

> You really do want 10s of millions of people to die from this global warming 
> thing, don't you, Rick?
> Why are you so attached to such tenuous science? Isn't it a hint to you that 
> governments are behind the funding of all the research that shows there to be 
> global warming? And questionable politicians such as Al Gore?

I've been watching the "hockey stick" develop since 1978. It's certainly more 
than "tenuous", esp. with China and India (and whatever other countries "go 
industrial") just adding to the atmospheric soup, pushing Siberia and your home 
countries' permafrost into thaw mode. 

It's that huge methane blast that could be the end of most of us.

A lot of it depends on how well, if at all, the geosphere is able to mimic the 
human body and recover a la the Gaia hypothesis and some sort of planetary 
homeostasis. But most scientists are realistic and barring some miracle, know 
this is highly unlikely.

It could be that Al Gore is one of the greatest bodhisattvas of our age.

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