--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj 
<vajradh...@...> wrote:
> I have alot of close friends who are psychiatric and 
> psychological professionals. Because of that, 
> I've been able to go through batteries of
> conventional testing. 
> It turns out, I'm unusually balanced and sane. 
> Go figure, huh!

[dalek voice] DOES NOT COMPUTE! [/dalek voice] 

By the bye:

There was a long interview with Hugh Laurie in my
Sunday paper. Semi-pertinent?

"He says he would have chucked it all in a few seasons 
ago if he didn't continue to find Gregory House such 
an enthralling character, surely one of the most 
consistently fascinating to have emerged from 
television. "Yes, I still like him very, very much. I 
know he has problems, and he is not necessarily a good 
man. But I realised long ago that one doesn't only 
like good people. Sometimes one doesn't even like good 

What does he like most about him? "I suppose I am 
drawn to people who worry, who are tortured. I find I 
am always faintly suspicious of happy people. I always 
think there is something going wrong or missing 
somewhere. They would probably argue that I am the one 
with the thing missing, and that may be so. But the 
fact that he is not happy makes a lot of his mis 
demeanours more forgivable. If someone is behaving 
badly, yet remains unhappy and tortured, the bad 
behaviour is very often its own punishment, so it's 
hard to be too upset by it."


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