--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap" <compost...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj 
> <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> > I have alot of close friends who are psychiatric and 
> > psychological professionals. Because of that, 
> > I've been able to go through batteries of
> > conventional testing. 
> > It turns out, I'm unusually balanced and sane. 
> > Go figure, huh!
> Mmm...figuring...
> [dalek voice] DOES NOT COMPUTE! [/dalek voice] 
> By the bye:
> There was a long interview with Hugh Laurie in my
> Sunday paper. Semi-pertinent?
> "He says he would have chucked it all in a few seasons 
> ago if he didn't continue to find Gregory House such 
> an enthralling character, surely one of the most 
> consistently fascinating to have emerged from 
> television. "Yes, I still like him very, very much. I 
> know he has problems, and he is not necessarily a good 
> man. But I realised long ago that one doesn't only 
> like good people. Sometimes one doesn't even like good 
> people."
> What does he like most about him? "I suppose I am 
> drawn to people who worry, who are tortured. I find I 
> am always faintly suspicious of happy people. I always 
> think there is something going wrong or missing 
> somewhere. They would probably argue that I am the one 
> with the thing missing, and that may be so. But the 
> fact that he is not happy makes a lot of his mis 
> demeanours more forgivable. If someone is behaving 
> badly, yet remains unhappy and tortured, the bad 
> behaviour is very often its own punishment, so it's 
> hard to be too upset by it."
> http://tinyurl.com/yhroll6

My best friend completely cracked me up at lunch
the other day. She has lurked on FFL in the past,
enough to get a feel for the place and what goes
on here.

So I mentioned to her that at present I was having
fun messing with someone's head on FFL and she said, 
"Of course...that's your role there. You're House."

Spit out my sip of wine laughing, I did. :-) She
is absolutely correct. I'm like the Greg House of
Fairfield Life. And I cannot for a moment feel bad 
about that, or feel the need to apologize for it.  :-)

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