Since Barry hasn't been able to come up with anything
substantial for me to respond to with my last post
this week, CORRECTING the mistakes in this one will 
have to do.

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> "All editors are failed authors." - Samuel Johnson
> "Every editor should have a pimp for a brother, so he can
> have someone to look up to." - H.L. Mencken

According to Barry, all I do as an editor is correct
misspellings. If that's the case, it doesn't really
seem as though these quotes would be applicable to me,
although Barry clearly intends them as such.

Looks like he lost track of the case he was trying to
make again. Am I a bad high-level editor, or just a
CORRECTOR of spelling? (Note that Barry has no idea
*whatsoever* of the type or quality of editing I do.)

The second quote, BTW, is usually attributed to author
Gene Fowler, not Mencken. Mencken himself was an
editor of some note, of course, in addition to being
a writer.

In respose to the Johnson quote, T.S. Eliot observed:

"I suppose some editors are failed writers - but so
are most writers."

(Say, Barry, how's that novel coming?)

And John Updike said of editors:

"A good editor is one who encourages a writer to
write his best. Being an editor is a kind of selfless
thing--again and again your own wisdom and insight
are absorbed invisibly by the author, who then signs
his name."

Finally, Barry also got a little confused with the
chicken cartoon. The editor who rejected the kidney
donated by the chicken is what's called an acquisitions
editor, somebody who works for a publisher to evaluate
manuscripts for possible purchase.

I'm a freelance editor who works with authors to help
them write their best, just as Updike describes.

>   []

Oh, well, maybe Barry will do better this coming week.

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