> Ahhh, the start of another posting week. 
You're not much help, Joe. It's like you
couldn't wait to post a new one-liner to
flame Judy. Go figure. 

Is that your only task around here? Have 
you always been so hypocritical? Fer 
chrissakes, Joe, try to get a grip! 

Is this the best you two can come up 
with - it's hardly worth reading. Are you
sure you were once spiritual teachers?

You don't sound like one these days. 

You guys sound more like teens that hold
a grudge for losing a junior high school 
debate. What's up with that?

> So refreshing to see Judy start it all off 
> with a post about........(drum roll)...none 
> other than BARRY! I know people will be on 
> the edge of their seats, eagerly waiting 
> each pearly drop of wisdom from her. Wisdom 
> about......(drum roll) BARRY!

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