--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, scienceofabundance <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Not a direct answer, but maybe of interest to some. Much has been made in the 
> TMO about King Tony being embodiment of silence, etc., etc., and that is why 
> he does not speak in public (or at least speak very much). 
> I have always laughed at the TMO-provided reasons.  I was on TTC with King 
> Tony and have also watched him over the years, before and since becoming King 
> Tony. 
> Based on my observations (to begin with, you can observe a lot on 4 months of 
> TTC), there is a very simple reason whey King Tony is the "embodiment of 
> silence": He is extremely lacking in confidence in relation to public 
> speaking, does not want to do it, resulting in him being a mediocre public 
> speaker. 
> This is a trait that will not disappear in his lifetime.  

Oh, that seems sad and so human.  Though he's certainly got other ways too.  
Obviously is not down and out neither.  Like he could sit with people or could 
write, like on FFL.     The other guys there are talkers plenty.  

Only just sitting listening he has the lot of power.  His is the important 
place at the head table just nodding a condescending yea and nay.  Blessing.  
Keeping people straight.  I'm glad he's there in the middle.

Jai Adi Shankara, 
-Buck in FF  

> PS I also think that this is not how he thought his life would play out and 
> that he is not too happy about being a king. However, like many others at 
> that level (Hagelin, Morris, Wallace, ...) they are prisoners in a "faux" 
> gilded, highly-titled cage. Regardless of their personal preference, they 
> simply have nowhere else to go.....
> They have made their beds and they now have no alternative but to lie in 
> them. They are all approaching 60, likely have no health benefits, absolutely 
> not prospects of gainful employment. Even if they were independently wealthy, 
> they simply do not have the cognitive/emotional capacity to extricate 
> themselves from a lifetime of MMY teachings/propaganda/charm offensives. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > After replying to Buck earlier about the different
> > ways we saw the recently-posted video of Raj Raam
> > and Raja Hagelin and Jerry, it occurred to me that
> > I'd really like to hear Raj Raam's *job description*.
> > 
> > Is there an official, TMO-certified description of 
> > who he is and what his duties are?
> > 
> > I'd sure love to read it if anyone knows of anything
> > like this.
> >

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