Jason wrote:
>          Socialism works only on a rudimentry level.  like food security and 
> medical security.  It fails to work in the higher areas of the economy.   
> Socialism cannot produce a Nike shoes or a Mercedes car

Nor should they but perhaps Nike and Mercedes should not have been able 
to grow so large either.  Socialism is for things in the commons not the 
corner grocer or fruit stand.  That's where the former Soviet Union made 
its mistake.  Before the Civil War we had rules in effect that limited 
the power of corporations.  Today they are now considered "people" and 
can even run for public office.
>         The unholy nexus between huge corporates and politicians leads to 
> corruption.  I agree with you.  Innovative technologies can be real game 
> changers.  We are heading into a third wave civilisation.

And it may well be that the pendulum will swing the other way because 
big corporations have behaved so badly.  Thirty or forty years ago the 
public would have been outraged but today they are confused and passive.
>          Reagan administration dismantled many of the safeguard banking 
> regulations.  This is because the bitter memories of the depression 1930's 
> began to fade away.  De-regulated banking has again created chaos.

I think from the founding of the US there has been a goal of certain 
entities to take over the country and enjoy the feudalism they feel they 
are entitled to making you and me their slaves.  Just go back and look 
from the founding the quarrels that went on.  And you do know that the 
British also funded the south during the Civil War don't you?

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