> This does not imply that *I* believe in duality 
> as reality, merely that they did... 
But, you did say you believed that the 'self'
was *exactly* the same as the 'Self', so that
implies a dualistic belief - that there is an
individual 'soul-monad' and a 'Soul'. 

There must be billions and billions of 'souls'
out there, according to your belief system.

So, a belief in a 'Self' or a 'Soul' would
imply a dualism, since you're saying they are
both real. One of the chief beliefs of the
Cathars was 'reincarnation', right?

And, you said you believed in 'reincarnation'
of the souls into new souls upon death, after
a sojourn in the 'Bardo'. So, apparently you
do believe that reality is composed of many
souls - a dualistic belief.

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