> > > "Meditations differ in both their ingredients and 
> > > their effects, just as medicines do, so lumping 
> > > them all together as 'essentially the same' is 
> > > simply a mistake,' Dr. Shear said...
> > >
> > The only interesting thing about the latest TM org 
> > employee research is that a landmark independent study 
> > way back in the 80's showed definitively that TM was 
> > not unique, but these bozons still keep trying to 
> > tell us it is...
> >
> Not in the study in question, however... 
So, where can I read the latest 'landmark independent 
study' of 'TM from the 80's, that Vaj is citing? 

> (as Vaj knows).
Maybe Vaj should post a link? 

We've given Vaj way too much wriggle room lately, I 
think. Obviously, Vaj hasn't read the study posted
by Rick, since it's to be published this month.

You seem to be the only person left around here to 
point out that Vaj is being very misleading about 
these TM studies. It's almost as if Vaj has a strong 
bias against TM, which if true, would cause me to 
doubt his claims of being an impartial informant.

Where is Lawson when we need him?

Posted by Rick:


"A study to be published in April uses EEG characteristics 
to show that different types of meditation show different 
types of activity in the brain..."

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