> For Shankara "Vainashika-Tantra" (annihilation teaching)
Maybe so, but the term 'tantra' doesn't mean 'annihilation' 
in Sanskrit. There are many meanings for the term 'tantra',
as explained by Bhattacharyya. Tantra can mean 'warp',
'thread' or 'web'. Tantric Buddhism probably came into 
existence in the 6th or 7th century A.D.

> was a synonym for the texts of the Shunya-vada 
> (empty-doctrine) which is what he called Buddhists 
> (Shunya-vadin)...
Maybe so, Shankara is supposed to have quoted the Buddhist 
logician Dharmakirti, who lived in the 7th century. Advaita 
Vedanta is a copy of the Buddhist Tantrism, according to 
T.R.V. Murti. 

Gaudapada for example, is much influenced by Mahayana,
Yogacara, and Madhyamika. It can be said that Gaudapada 
represents the best in Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu.

1. Excerpt from Mandukhya Karika IV by Gaudapada:

"Duality is only an appearance; non-duality is the real 
truth. The object exists as an object for the knowing 
subject; but it does not exist outside of conciousness 
because the distinction of subject and object is within
conciousness" (IV 25-27, Sharma, p. 245-246.

2. Excerpt from Mahayana Sutra Lankara by Asanga:

"Pure conciousness is the only Reality. By its nature, 
it is Self-luminous." (XIII, 13). "Thus shaking off 
duality, he directly percieves the Absolute which is 
the unity underlying phenomena (Dharmadhatu)" (VI, 7, 
Sharma, p. 112-113.  

Work cited:

'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy'
A Study of Adwaita in Buddhism, Vedanta, and Kashmira 
Chandrahar Sharma, MA, D.Phill., D. Litt., Acharya
Formerly Professor of Philosophy, University of 

Links of interest:

Subject: Essays on the vedAntic Origins of TM
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: July 14, 2003

Other titles of interest:

'The Adwaita Tradition in Indian Philosophy'
By Chandrahar Sharma
Rider 1960

'Central Philosophy of Buddhism'
By T. R. V. Murti 
George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1968

By David J. Kalupahana 
University of Hawaii Oress, 1975

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