Hahaha. Subject title: Peter Wallace

From: yifuxero <yifux...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, 12 April, 2010 8:52:00 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Peter Wallace

Now wait a minute!  We're talking about (what I've observed to be) a nearly 
universal phenomenon.  The word "promise" is a bit strong, and not mentioned in 
the flyer. Can't remember the exact words, but the message was more of an 
expectation.  But what's the problem? So what.
The phenomenon I'm talking about mentioned in a previous post, is that various 
teachers expect others do perform the same as them, as to the degree of effort 
and time.  I see this in the statements of many other Gurus; to give you an 
example, the Sant Mat Gurus.
Most of those Gurus have said it's "easy" to attain the Sant Mat goal.  Yea, 
for them maybe.  Most people in Sant Mat spend decades meditating and have 
little to show for it.
Take Kirpal Singh, his Son Darshan Singh, and his Son Rajinder Singh.  Even 
before knowing about Sawan Singh, Kirpal had spontaneous experiences of "going 
into Samadhi", traveling out of his body, and seeing the Radiant form of Sawan 
(without knowing who he was). Later in his travels, he met Sawan, who stated 
something "I've been expecting you".
Sure...a goal is "easy" if you're already 99.99% there.  Similarly with Darshan 
Singh, who had Sawan and his Father Kirpal as Gurus and from an early age was 
initiated into the 5 Names (the Sant Mat practice).  Then from the very first 
mediation, he's travelout out of his body and listening to Celestial Music of 
the Spheres.
So both Kirpal and Darshan go around saying the goal is easily attained!... 
Sure, for them! 
Then, the present Guru in that lineage, Rajinder Singh (Son of Darshan); also 
says the goal is easily accomplished and it shouldn't take more than a few 
weeks to learn it. 
But nothing is promised by such Gurus, just an expectation.
Similarly, Jerry never used the word promise; but it appears that based on his 
experience of 5 years, he felt others could accomplish the same task.
Let's stick to the facts.  There was no "promise". It was an estimate of how 
long it would take, based on Jerry's own direct experience.
So what difference does it make?  This is just normal human behavior.  This 
isn't a lesson in historical nitpicking.  It's a question of common behavior 
among Gurus; and points to the lesson of being flexible when hearing claims of 
Gurus. There are big differences when it comes to the "level" of attainment of 
people.  Some are already 99% there and don't need much of a boost.
Another case: HWL Poonja.  He was an advanced Krishna-Bhakti Yogi in his 
previous incarnation (he said...quoted in the Godman book); so in his present 
(until dying in the 90's) incarnation, he was already 99% toward complete 
He meets up with Ramana Maharshi and after a few minutes of a heavy dose of 
Shakti and a few words from Ramana, he sinks into Self-Realization on the very 
spot he stood.
And then he goes around telling his followers they don't need any Sadhana, no 
effort at all: just accept the fact that you're already the Self.
So what would one expect?...that he teach Kundalini Yoga, Tantricism, or TM?  
No. Just give up all techniques, all effort, and that's it.
What people teach tends to be a mimicked reflection of their own experiences.  
Could we expect otherwise?
So, it would be natural for Jerry to have written the flyer, mentioning 5-7 
years (given his experience of 5); as a reasonable expectation with no promises.
In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "WillyTex" <willy...@.. .> wrote:
> > > Nope, the flyer was real. Though I no longer have a copy,
> > > it was definitely real. Can anybody corroborate this?
> > > 
> Rick Archer: 
> > I can. I passed out thousands of them. It was a small, 
> > green flyer.
> >
> Maybe so, I would not be surprised at anything they do at MUM,
> but Jerry would not have approved if he had stayed around.
> Only an idiot, trying to sell snake oil, would be so stupid as
> to 'promise' anyone they were going to be enlightened!
> Jerry was very opposed to making promises about enlightenment.
> I've got hours and hours of Maharishi speaking on tape, from
> SCI, and there's nothing on them about making any promises like
> that. On one tape, 'A Promise for the Family of Man', which I
> recorded in Houston, the Maharishi doesn't say anything about
> 'promising CC in 5-7 years'. 
> Now, you would think that, in a speech about promises, the 
> Maharishi would have mentioned a promise like that, instead 
> of sending out some dope to pass out, and tack up, little 
> green fliers, would you not?


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