--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifux...@...> wrote:
> thx, you're right; green or blue, can't remember exactly.  But 
> it was as real as the Maharishi poster I had in my bedroom.  I 
> got drafted in 1968 and after coming back in 1970, found that my 
> Dad had thrown out the MMY poster.  And the goldfish was dead, 
> too. But no matter. In the ensuing years, I then saw posters of 
> Dr. Fred Lenz on the same lamposts in Westwood that formerly 
> hosted the MMY posters. And then in due time SIMS vacated 1015 
> Gayley Ave. and guess who moved into the same offices:  Lenz's 
> org. So what's next, and who?

While the posters on the same lampposts is true,
the "moving into 1015 Gayley" is not. Who moved
into 1015 Gayley after TM moved out was one of 
those "Mailboxes R Us" places, and Lenz had a box 
number there for some time. Believe me, if he had 
ever had offices in that building I would've been 
back there in a  flash, just for the Weirdness 
Quotient.  :-)

And yes, *of course* the brochures promising 
enlightenment in 5-7 years is true. Willy knows
this; he's just trolling. 

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