On Apr 20, 2010, at 3:43 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> I agree, but I also agree that Joe, as he often does, has 
> nailed the deeper issue: "Transform the TMO into WHAT?"

I agree, and even more to the point, "into what FOR?"

What I'd like to know is even if the TMO were to radically
reform itself and become once again the (sort of)
open-minded place we all got hooked on years ago...
what then?  Rick, would you even feel comfortable 
going back into the Domes, trying to rewind the tape
and act like all that blacklisting unpleasantness (not
to mention the bluejean nonsense, the pseudo-celibacy
crap and all the rest) never happened?  

If so, Rick and anyone else who could do that is either
a whole lot more open-minded than I am, or else a 
whole lot better at denial--or maybe a bit of both.
For myself, I very much doubt I could walk into the 
Domes again and feel anything like the warmth I used
to--and I was never even officially kicked out--not to
my knowledge, anyway.  But I couldn't do it.  The years
of cult-like insanity have left way too foul a taste
for me.

Any other thoughts?  I love discussions like this, where
I get to bash the TMO all the while seeming not to. :)
But, really, I am being serious about this--sort of, anyway.


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