I must admit that, following a quick scan of the news
and websites listing volcanic or earthquake activity,
there seems to be no mention of any heightened seismic
activity yesterday.

I think that this is just a cryin' shame, and a clear message
that God / the Laws Of Nature / Jyotish principles or
whatever you call That Which You Believe Runs Things
is a fuckin' slacker, and asleep at the wheel.

I mean, yesterday a mass protest against an Iranian
cleric's declaration that immodestly-dressed women cause
earthquakes (and John R echoing the same theory here,
supported by "Jyotish principles") took place. *80,000*
or more women worldwide dressed immodestly *on
purpose* to test out this theory. That is an estimated
*160,000* boobs jiggling unnecessarily, tempting men
all over the world away from the path of righteousness,
and taunting God to react by unleashing His seismic
comeupance on the Earth..

But did God smite these evildoers? Noooooooo.

Can you say "slacker?" I think you can.

If you are as upset about this as I am, and wish to officially
register your protest, go to:
and sign our petition there.

Speak up and make your voice known to God / the Laws Of
Nature / whatever. Don't allow Him to slack off and allow
these evil women to transgress by violating our...uh...
we mean His laws.

STAND UP for your right to be a weakling, with so little
self control and non-attachment that you can be lured off
the spiritual path and into the ways of evil thinking by a
couple of mounds of jiggling flesh.

Most of the great spiritual leaders in history (if one
believes what their followers say about them) were just
as terrified of boobs as you are, and just as willing to
take out their own weakness on women by forbidding
*them* to dress the way they want to.

Most of these great spiritual leaders hated the sight of
half of the human race's bodies as much as God does,
and thus supported His laws about covering up all that
flesh that He created and made jiggle in the first place.

JOIN these holy men of the past in standing up for our
right to impose *our* weakness on women everywhere.


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