-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I think you are forgetting that boobs are extremely dangerous things.
> And can you please send photos of those 160,000 boobs. I can't believe
> that this is true. I want to see all 160,000 of them -- or as we all
> you LIE!

Here are two, from a local village in Spain:


> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > I must admit that, following a quick scan of the news
> > and websites listing volcanic or earthquake activity,
> > there seems to be no mention of any heightened seismic
> > activity yesterday.
> >
> > I think that this is just a cryin' shame, and a clear message
> > that God / the Laws Of Nature / Jyotish principles or
> > whatever you call That Which You Believe Runs Things
> > is a fuckin' slacker, and asleep at the wheel.
> >
> > I mean, yesterday a mass protest against an Iranian
> > cleric's declaration that immodestly-dressed women cause
> > earthquakes (and John R echoing the same theory here,
> > supported by "Jyotish principles") took place. *80,000*
> > or more women worldwide dressed immodestly *on
> > purpose* to test out this theory. That is an estimated
> > *160,000* boobs jiggling unnecessarily, tempting men
> > all over the world away from the path of righteousness,
> > and taunting God to react by unleashing His seismic
> > comeupance on the Earth..
> >
> > But did God smite these evildoers? Noooooooo.
> >
> > Can you say "slacker?" I think you can.
> >
> > If you are as upset about this as I am, and wish to officially
> > register your protest, go to:
> > We-are-men-so-terrified-of-boobs-that-we-think-God-should-
> > smite-women-when-they-dress-immodestly-and-let-them-jiggle-
> > in-public.com
> > and sign our petition there.
> >
> > Speak up and make your voice known to God / the Laws Of
> > Nature / whatever. Don't allow Him to slack off and allow
> > these evil women to transgress by violating our...uh...
> > we mean His laws.
> >
> > STAND UP for your right to be a weakling, with so little
> > self control and non-attachment that you can be lured off
> > the spiritual path and into the ways of evil thinking by a
> > couple of mounds of jiggling flesh.
> >
> > Most of the great spiritual leaders in history (if one
> > believes what their followers say about them) were just
> > as terrified of boobs as you are, and just as willing to
> > take out their own weakness on women by forbidding
> > *them* to dress the way they want to.
> >
> > Most of these great spiritual leaders hated the sight of
> > half of the human race's bodies as much as God does,
> > and thus supported His laws about covering up all that
> > flesh that He created and made jiggle in the first place.
> >
> > JOIN these holy men of the past in standing up for our
> > right to impose *our* weakness on women everywhere.
> >
> >

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