Maharishi said 6 chakras.  Whatever happened to the seventh?

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > I may have posted this before. Can't remember.
> >  
> > Chakras and Kundalini
> > Lake Louise,  Canada, 1968  (audio)
> > MAHARISHI:   ...chakras are the mile stones on the path of kundalini. How
> > many have experienced during meditation sometimes some movement along the
> > spine, there is something coming up and down, something like that?
> > This is movement of kundalini. These movements, like the energy impulses we
> > have talked in the morning, flowing like that, like that, they are the signs
> > of release of stress and strain.
> > And have you noticed some times when you are meditating, that breathing
> > becomes much refined and it flows equally with both the nostrils? Otherwise
> > generally it flows either from the left or from the right. But during
> > meditation, when it becomes very refined   it flows from both.
> > When the breath flows from both, then it is called shushumna.
> > There is a very fine hole deep inside the spinal column. Very fine, much
> > thinner than the width of the hair. May be one hundredth of the width of the
> > hair. Such fine spine and when the nervous system becomes freer from deep
> > rooted stresses and strain of which we talked in the morning ... (using a
> > board) See, this is the spinal column. And at the end of the spine is the
> > kundalini. Kundalini is the symbol of life force that is present in each
> > living being.
> > Higher state of consciousness depends on how much this kundalini is awake.
> > It is said to be on this end of this... And this column is said to be
> > shushumna. And as the body becomes purer and purer, this germ of life, it is
> > like a serpent, it becomes awake.
> > In all the creatures, the small, small insects and birds and animals and man
> > and angels, in every living being, this germ of life is present...
> > any time along the spine you may feel some movement of energy. It is
> > physical, you feel it, up and down movement. These are the movements of this
> > germ of life. It becomes awake...
> > ...What happens is, this very fine path of air is blocked, may be some block
> > here and some block there. If it is blocked, then... In our system of
> > meditation, when the mantra becomes very fine, very fine, then breathing
> > becomes very fine. And when the breathing becomes very fine then the breath
> > permeates the system. Absolutely very fine breath, it is able to pierce
> > through the whole body. And then the air starts passing from this very fine
> > hole, very fine passage.
> > When the air passes from here, then if there is a block here, then the
> > pressure is created here. And due to that pressure the body may rock this
> > way or that way. The whole body may even do like that. All this is just due
> > to the air pressing through the fine hole and finding its way up.
> > Movement, any kind of movement may happen here or there. And along this
> > path, there are certain chakras  or what they call it, centres, one here and
> > one here and one here. And each centre is like that, may be two-petaled rose
> > or four-petaled rose or six or eight or twelve, like that.
> > And when this kundalini, the germ of life, travels from here through this
> > and the passage is clear, then each of these (chakras) become upward like
> > that. They turn over. And a turn over means, the passage is clear now.
> > And by the time all these six Chakras open up, then the whole passage is
> > clear. And the kundalini  then comes here, resides here and this gives
> > clearer experience of Being, very clear, pure consciousness. And that is
> > called enlightenment, that pure awareness of pure consciousness fills the
> > whole thing.
> > There is a system of practice which is called Laya Yoga. Laya means
> > absorption. The kundalini finds its absorption in all these centres, here
> > and here and here and eventually here in the cortex, the thousand-petaled
> > rose, a thousand-petaled lotus.
> > And by the time kundalini comes here, everything, the whole thing becomes
> > full of light. Full of light means full of awareness. Light means not this
> > light, but pure Being. And when this whole area becomes aware of Being
> > clearly, then it is CC (Cosmic Consciousness). Then the Being is never lost
> > irrespective of our engagements during the day or restfulness in the night.
> > It remains permanent. And this is what is called the state of enlightenment.
> > 
> > As kundalini becomes more and more awake, the soul keeps on coming to higher
> > and higher species. Coming to man`s species, it comes to a level of
> > wakefulness, that it can rise up and it has then this whole path to bring it
> > to this region, where Being will be permanently established in the very
> > nature of the mind. This whole area of the nervous system becomes
> > enlightened.
> > Question.  Do you know when you have it?
> > MAHARISHI:  See, you feel the up and down march of this. Sometimes it goes
> > up and down and up and down. When the whole thing is clear and the whole
> > nervous system is completely free from stresses and strains, then it never
> > returns. It gets there and gets absorbed.
> > You experience the up and down march of this thing and you experience when
> > it is permanently established in the whole nervous system....
> Very nice, thanks for posting this !
> >

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