> Chakras and Kundalini
> Lake Louise,  Canada, 1968  (audio)
> MAHARISHI:  > There is a system of practice which is called Laya Yoga. Laya 
> means
> absorption. The kundalini finds its absorption in all these centres, here
> and here and here and eventually here in the cortex, the thousand-petaled
> rose, a thousand-petaled lotus.
> And by the time kundalini comes here, everything, the whole thing becomes
> full of light. Full of light means full of awareness. Light means not this
> light, but pure Being. And when this whole area becomes aware of Being
> clearly, then it is CC (Cosmic Consciousness). Then the Being is never lost
> irrespective of our engagements during the day or restfulness in the night.
> It remains permanent. And this is what is called the state of enlightenment.
> As kundalini becomes more and more awake, the soul keeps on coming to higher
> and higher species. Coming to man`s species, it comes to a level of
> wakefulness, that it can rise up and it has then this whole path to bring it
> to this region, where Being will be permanently established in the very
> nature of the mind. This whole area of the nervous system becomes
> enlightened.

Yep, Laya Yoga.  That is a lot of what a lot of folks have got on to here one 
way or another.  These subtle systems of the chakras as they house spirituality 
is a lot of what the lady saints and some of the healers are helping folks with 
with in that kind of energy work as a yoga.  The potential was there too in 
some of the TM advanced practices but never much pointed at to develop or work 
at within the confines of the movement.  But now there is a lot of Laya Yoga in 
the discipline of what the meditating community has come to here by experience.

It is nice to see it talked about freely in that old tape.  I saw Maharishi 
stopped talking about it when some very in-the-mind people wanted to split 
hairs and corner him intellectually about it.  It seemed at the time like he 
thought, 'well screw that with these folks' and pulled in his horns.  I never 
heard him talk about it after that.  His part of the mission was not that.  At 
the macro given the times that was okay.  Times have gone on though.

But it is what folks who have taken the practice and gone on with it 
successfully are also doing.


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