Dear tartie,

I'm your worst nightmare come true tartie guy..LOL, Amma has sent me to take
care of retards like you tartie brain. She is too busy with the cream of the
top tartie baby...


You are making me totally blissful, don't kill your Guru. I'm training my 12
year old to be a yogi as well, you will end up being his disciple and I
would hate that..LOL..please don't...

Love - Ravi.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 5:23 PM, tartbrain <> wrote:

> Thank you for the wonderful insight that you have provided today. Until
> this minute, I had a rather good feeling about Amma. However if you are the
> greatest fruit of her teaching, I think you have saved me and others a lot
> of misdirection.
> Thanks again.
> Tartbrain
> (one is not very much attached to or identified with names )

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