On May 17, 2010, at 9:57 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

> Well, I have to say that this has really been a breath of fresh air. We have 
> so much quarreling here, that it gets pretty dull. So, it's nice to have your 
> input. 

Yes, "Ravi" sure is a breath of fresh air, isn't he?

"So when I blast someone please remember this energy is not stuck in my lower 
centers, it immediately gives me a rush of energy since I'm pure and untouched. 

"You can tell how someone is my retarded devotee..."

"Hey tartie - another one of my idiot disciples from my Amma days, its one of 
my luckiest days..LOL, Amma has reunited me with my 3 favorite retards in one 
single day..."

"Sorry today's applications for retarded disciples is closed."

"I'm your worst nightmare come true tartie guy..LOL, Amma has sent me to take 
care of retards like you tartie brain. She is too busy with the cream of the 
top tartie baby..."

Thanks for pointing out how "fresh" Rav has made the
air here, lurk.  :)  Otherwise, we might have been 
inclined to chalk him up as  a manic, grandiose,
Edg-lite windbag.  (And not only that, he's a bore.) Not that there's
anything wrong with all that, of course...


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