> > So what's the story? 
> >
Rick Archer:
> If anything, many more people are healed and
> strengthened than destabilized...
Amritanandamayi teaches a spiritual path that 
consists of understanding the scriptures in 
the Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad 

Amma advocates meditation, karma yoga, and 
devotional service. According to Amma, the 
cultivation of blissful consciousness reveals 
the non-dual, transcendental absolute, leading 
to 'jivanmukti' - fully realized while yet 

"There is one Truth that shines through all of 
creation. Rivers and mountains, plants and 
animals, the sun, the moon and the stars, you 
and I — all are expressions of this one 
Reality." - Amma

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