From: [] On 
Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spirit a priori
Buck said,
"But on the other hand if you are male, a healer, dress more as a Westerner 
saying the same things, doing subtle energy work and teaching spiritual 
techniques to help with the subtle psycho-spiritual things that you are talking 
about then the TM movement will now endorse you as a healer, and let your 
visitors as well as supporters be in the domes meditating. The irony is 
stunning also given their earnestness in getting better dome numbers."

Wow! Is that true? Very strange. I would see relative "healers" as more of a 
threat to pull people off the path towards actual Realization than a 
traditional Satguru (Ammachi, Sri Sri, etc.). But if the goal is dome numbers, 
then being "path-pulled" is secondary perhaps.

Buck, you seem like quite the reasonable chap. 
I'll speak for him in case he doesn't:
Are you in Fairfield, 
dome attending, etc?
 In good standing, so to speak? 

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