TurquoiseB wrote:
> I *understand* the points Bhairitu made about 
> Ravi just being Indian, and to some extent they
> are valid, and IMO have exacerbated the situation.
> Anyone who believes that having been born "Brahmin"
> makes him better or more evolved than anyone else
> is IMO already several miles down the road to 
> madness, even before you throw a little runaway 
> shakti into the mix. Someone with the kinds of 
> 'tudes about *women* that he has expressed here 
> *grew up with them*; they didn't happen overnight 
> as the result of an "awakening" of any kind.

Not only having been to India and also knowing a number of Indian folks 
locally I also had a couple of Indian engineers work for in the 1990s.  
One was very much like Ravi and a wild wacky guy.  But we all had fun 
with him as that wackiness is much more tolerable and taken as kidding 
when you are with someone like that face to face (where you can see the 
tongue in cheek).  The other engineer was quite and serious but a 
helluva nice guy too.

Chatting a local ayurveda practitioner who though looked like a typical 
American (or "white guy") turned out to be the son of the Indian woman 
running the grocery (dad must have been a "white guy.").   He told me 
that his ayurvedic teacher in India told him that most Indians are vata 
in vakriti and with a grin on his face pointed out that if you think 
about it a bit you can see why.   Ravi may well be flying high in the 
stratosphere with a vata imbalance (somewhat useful if your job is to 
find creative solutions to software problems).  And as such might not 
give a damn about what impression he leaves.  Line on air?

And Ravi, if you're reading which you say you are I may give you a call 
sometime and we can get together over espresso or chai maybe over your 
way.  And I may bring along Swami Abhayanand too.  Of course then I'll 
probably be blessed with a two way Hindi conversation though Swami when 
that happens often asks the other party to speak English so I'm not left 
out.  My Hindi is a little rusty these days. ;-)

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