--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Rand Paul needs to understand that American taxpayers 
> > (particularly right wingers) don't want to pay a dime
> > for BP's cleanup.
> Taxpayers won't pay a dime for the cleanup. BP gets to
> pay 100 percent; that isn't in question.
>   That should 
> > all be on their bill even if it wipes out the company.
> It won't even come close to wiping them out.
Depends how you define "clean up". To restore the environment to it's condition 
prior to the accident ought to be the legal obligation. But that's such an 
inconceivably big task there will have to be compromises. And there's where the 
might of a big corporation will always win in the court.  Rand is coming off a 
little naive in this flush of publicity. And his avoiding to give direct 
answers is killing him. His father is much more open, and not afraid to state 
his opinion even if it's unpopular. On the environment Ron always promotes the 
control should be in the courts not in Govt regulation. It's controversial for 
sure. And I can't say I know which view is right - much as I hate govt 
regulation, I hate the control corporations have in the court room even more. 
Overall though its the monetary system which is the most important issue. If 
that fails nothing else matters. Ron Paul has been the best watchdog in 
Washington to alert us to the dangers of an unregulated, unaudited Federal 
Reserve. So I can overlook other areas I think he's a bit iffy on. The monetary 
system is the number one issue in my mind.

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