If he sits in silence, he will fall asleep.  Speaks Volumes about his 

     Barry did you get the Sarah Palin file I sent you.??  Do you use CDisplay 
program for .CBR files.??

--- On Sun, 5/23/10, TurquoiseB <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re the latest Raviguru pronouncements on BATGAP
Date: Sunday, May 23, 2010, 4:14 AM

This is pathology, reinforced and replicated by the 
pathological. In my opinion, of course. As proof, 
might I suggest that none of the other participants 
in the discussion -- on FFL or, as in this case, from
BATGAP -- would be able to include the second sentence 
above in their responses. This is the first of fifteen
Ravirants today to that forum. 

---  "Ravi Chivukula" <chivukula.r...@...> wrote:
> Same here what's the point?
> We will probably just sit in silence !!!!! and I will fall asleep, 
> I am alive only because of what I can share and teach others and 
> if I'm silent I fall asleep unless all my waking state is spent 
> in sharing my love to everyone.
> What can I possibly teach Jim whereas if I meet Angela..whoa watch 
> out Angela...LOL, I will tear her stupid German intellect to pieces 
> with my words. Just imagining it gives me so much thrill and fun 
> !!!!!!
> Jim is boring, don't bore me to death Rick...LOL..
> Sharing my love takes many forms one is innocent, playful for 
> example a video that we made with my niece, my forms of love taken 
> on other expression as well mostly feigning anger and tamasic 
> expressions yet is only a play for Raviguru ( example blasting 
> perverts at FairfieldLife).
> Love - Ravi.



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