On May 23, 2010, at 6:14 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> This is pathology, reinforced and replicated by the 
> pathological. In my opinion, of course. As proof, 
> might I suggest that none of the other participants 
> in the discussion -- on FFL or, as in this case, from
> BATGAP -- would be able to include the second sentence 
> above in their responses. This is the first of fifteen
> Ravirants today to that forum. 

> -- In buddhaatthegasp...@yahoogroups.com, "Jim" <jim@> wrote:
>> Hi Rick,
>> Thanks for the idea. I don't feel any particular desire to do 
>> that [get in touch with Ravi physically and in "real life" if 
>> he ever returns to the West Coast] - he seems nice enough, but 
>> I don't see much else in common.
>> If you are concerned for his state of mind, don't sweat it. He 
>> is just expressing a lot of energy.
>> --- In buddhaatthegasp...@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" rick@ wrote:
>>> Jim, if Ravi gets back to the west coast, perhaps there would be
>>> some valuen the two of you getting together. You think?

My personal opinion--Jim's as nuts as Ravi,
he's just got better defenses.


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