On May 26, 2010, at 3:51 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> I hereby propose the Ultimate Test of the Bevan FB page
> authenticity. Before I "pull a Stan" and bail from Face-
> book entirely, why don't *I* just send him a Friend
> Request?
> Surely, if gotta-defend-the-TMO-ers here have expended
> so much energy demonizing me over the years, and surely if
> he's as on-top-of-it as they claim, he much know my name.
> If this "Bevan" rejects my Friend Request, I think it's
> safe to think it could actually be Bevan. If he accepts
> ...uh...not so much.
> Although you've got to admit it would be entertaining 
> to see the Real Bevan reacting to some of my comments, 
> right?  ;-)

I see he accepted your "request," Barry.
The funniest thing is those who 
were falling all over themselves fawning
over His Roundness--some of them--
reacting with indignation now that they've
proved beyond much doubt to be front-runners
for the PT Barnum Award Of The Year.
And then there's the woman claiming Bevan
"ruined" her life (and presumably there was
nothing she could do to defend herself while this
"ruining" was going on) now reacting by figuratively 
wringing her hands and wondering how could
anyone--ANYONE--DO something so terrible to the poor dear?
I wonder--can she spell "Stockholm Syndrome"?


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