Thanks for preserving this, Edg. I think it's 
interesting to look at the *nature* of some of
the comments to this thread, and the *reaction*
of some (fairly obvious) TM TBs to the high 
crime of Pranking A Fat Man:

> Sharon C. O'Neill 
> Is this a real account or not? Why would anyone do this 
> to Bevan? I am baffled.

If you cannot figure out why anyone might want
to make fun of Bevan Morris, your condition is
far more serious than bafflement, honey. You're
a fuckin' idiot.

> Michael Goodleman 
> It seems like a cruel prank because everyone was so honored 
> to be a friend. 

How sad. How utterly sad. What's really pissing
off this Michael guy is that he's disappointed
that the *real* Bevan Morris didn't "honor" him
by inviting him to be his Facebook Friend. How
pathetic is *that*?

> We should somehow get to the bottom of this! 
> Sharon C. O'Neill 
> I am asking a few wise people..I really admire Bevan. 
> Michael Goodleman 
> It is a fact, that there have been people or groups who have 
> tried to spread misinformation in our organization. 

Note the classic paranoid schizophrenic reaction
here. "People" and "groups" who intentionally and
with malice aforethought spread "misinformation" 
on the poor, poor, victimized TM organization. If 
it weren't so pathetic (and so familiar from similar 
cries on FFL) it would be funny.

> In theory, these might have been the intention of whoever set 
> this up. (Gain confidence and then spread misinformation).
> Just a possible theory 

Just the ravings of a self-importance and paranoia 
junkie still disappointed because his dreams of 
hangin' out in cyberspace with a Fat Man have been
dashed, if you ask me.  :-)

> Sharon C. O'Neill 
> I guess the old ugly of evil versu good...sick! 

Again with the paranoid self-importance. It *can't*
have been a mere prank to poke fun at a Fat Man who
more than deserves it. It was an actual battle 
between "evil" and "good." Dare we ask which side
she perceives herself as being on?

> Bevan Morris 
> There's no evil intention, just a harmless little prank :-) 
> this profile will be deleted by the end of the day. Thanks 
> for playing :-) 
> Michael Goodleman 
> Whoever you are you may have not meant any evil intention 
> but you have upset a lot of people who admire and respect 
> Dr. Morris. (and deservedly so)

"And most of all you've upset *ME*, because I thought
for a minute my groupie status quotient had risen 
high enough to be "friended" by the real Bevan." 

What a wuss. And what a closet queen.

> You added you're smiley face but there is really nothing 
> humorous about your prank!

I tend to disagree. I think Michael's pretty funny, and
the prankster certainly drew *him* out of the woodwork,
didn't he?

> I would recommend you publicly apologize! 

Emphasis on "publicly" IMO, so they can wreak their 

> Sharon C. O'Neill 
> Good for you Michael! Your the Best! A lot of folks love 
> Bevan and I am one... 

In her spare time, she stalks John Goodman and has a
rare nude photo of Jackie Gleason above her puja 
table. The lady's got a thing for Fat Boys. And to
think...Michael thought this whole prank wasn't fun...  :-)

> Bevan Morris 
> I think it's pretty funny. Besides, if we can't have a 
> sense of humor about these things, what does that say 
> about us? 

What indeed? What, for example, does Sharon-the-Fat-Boy-
fetishist and Michael-the-"Wow-Bevan-is-my-friend" groupie 
acting all serious and offended say about *them*?

> I'm sure Maharishi would not have cared. Nevertheless, so 
> as to not offend anyone else, the profile will be deleted 
> by the end of the day :-) 

A pity in my opinion. Whoever this was could have 
milked this situation for humor for months.

> Michael Goodleman 
> I am sure you are the only one who was impressed and thought 
> it was funny! Of course if it were the real Dr. Morris it's 
> no surpise so many people accepted his friendship. There are 
> thousands who love and admire him.

I'm thinkin' that Sharon-the-Fat-Boy-fetishist is
going to have to fight it out with Michael over who
gets into Bevan's size XXL shorts the first.  :-)

> I will put it to the point, that this is not only not funny 
> but in my opinion a shameful prank. 

Don't worry, Michael...I'm sure there is some *other*
Fat Man out there willing to have you as a friend. :-)

> Michael Goodleman 
> If the "prankster" feels this was just some innocent fun, why 
> doesn't he stop being a coward and reveal his identity!! 

Again with the desire for revenge thang. Scratch a 
Fat Boy Fetishist and reveal the inner Inquisitor
beneath the surface.

> Sharon C. O'Neill 
> Bevan Morris has done a marvelous job! Who cares about ugly 
> rumors..The Man followed Maharishi's desires to the best of 
> his abilities...I have nothing but admiration for him.

Sharon, honey...based on the things you've said here,
I think you've got a LOT more than just "admiration" for
Bevan. I'm bettin' you'd be bravely risking suffocation,
on your back with him on top of you in a heartbeat.

And I'm bettin' that Michael would be off to the side
whacking off while watching you. 

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