Buck wrote:
> Actually, does anybody remember what Charlie Lutes said about suicide?
> His stories.

I seem to remember Charlie talking about how suicide is looked upon as a 
bad thing in Indian philosophy but if suffering from cancer he could see 
why a person my want a way out.

In Indian philosophy suicide leads to getting stuck in some kind of 
"purgatory", not quite dead but not alive either.   And of course I've 
got a movie for this: "Wristcutters" which is well worth a watch.  What 
really happens to someone who commits suicide we really don't know but 
telling folks they could get stuck in a "purgatory" might be useful 

Jyotish can also shine in this instance for no other reason than a 
jyotishi can point out the stressful problem leading to depression are 
always usually temporary and will pass.  Ayurveda can also shine as if 
it is clinical depression then sometimes those cures will help.  When my 
sister was having bouts of depression and was in a funk one day when I 
was visiting I made her a cup of kapha tea which snapped her out of it.

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