Thanks Sal, I appreciate that. This new Chief, like the one she replaced (who 
is described in the Heaven On Earth book) sounds like a hard working, down to 
earth and friendly people's advocate.

I'll be very curious what she has to say about the FF crime rate.

--- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2010, at 6:11 PM, Joe wrote:
> > She sounds absolutely delightful Sal!
> > 
> > Sal, can you inquire of her about the FF crime rate since 1990? I'd be very 
> > interested to see that. (No sense asking MUM for these figures.....your 
> > chances of getting an honest answer are not good.)
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> Sure, my kids and I need to go down there
> and check to see if some bikes of ours
> that were stolen are there, so we'll make
> a stop inside and ask.
> One thing I can assure you of, petty crime,
> in particular theft, is definitely *not* down.
> Some person or people have been operating
> a bike-stealing operation for some time now,
> and there is hardly anyone who lives in town
> who hasn't been affected.  (This is the third
> time 2 of my kids' bikes have been stolen--
> we've gotten them back the other times--
> but now it looks like they are gone for good.)
> It's common knowledge now you need to have
> your bike bolted down in any public place--
> including your own front yard, which is where
> these SOBs took them from this last time.
> Sal

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