On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 2:47 PM, cardemaister <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>wrote:

> Hey guys, I'm Jon from San Francisco. My whole life I've wanted to be that
> dude that scores with all the hot chicks without even trying. And now I am
> that guy. No more buying drinks in bars only to have the girl go home with
> someone else. No more wasting money on wining and dining only to go home
> alone and rub one out to porn. Now I get all the sex I can handle, whenever
> I want it. What's more, my confidence is so high now I have no problem
> getting those other chicks I barely even had the courage to talk to once
> upon a time. If someone had only told me it was as easy as signing up for a
> free profile on AdultFriendFinder.com, I woulda done it a long time ago. But
> now I'm here to tell you guys about my experience so you can start hooking
> up and stop waiting around like I did for so long.
> http://adultfriendfinder.com/go/page/blog_jonzblog?pid=g779663-ppc
Dude, you're in S.F.  What's hard about picking up chicks no matter what age
you are?  Been there.  Am disease free, PTL.  I came to SF a little early so
they weren't passing out HIV yet, PTL.

"America always chooses to do the right thing -- after it's tried everything
else"-- Winston Churchill

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