--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey <no_re...@...> wrote:
> So Turquoise B wears cool Firefly tshirts and you wear this:

  [Remember My Name]
> What's with that? ;-)

Great T-shirt find, AZ. I'll comment on it and its message, because they
seem relevant to me to not only the "When your beliefs are challenged,
react as if you've been attacked personally" philosophy I've been
about lately, and to the "pinch hater rule" that ensures that when the
normally-designated attacker is unavailable that someone steps in to
hate for them, but also to something far more important -- the intended
*purpose* of the attack.

It's to make the offender (or in this context, heretic) scream.

The clear intent of many  of the hater posts on Fairfield Life,
coming mostly from supposedly spiritual people, is to *hurt* the person
they are attacking, as if the person's "attack" on them (which in many
cases consists of merely challenging an idea they believe in) has hurt
*them*, and they feel that they have to "hurt someone back."

Look at the expression on this T-shirt wearer's face. Look at what her
T-shirt philosophy has *done* to that face. And yet people not only
cling to the desire to "reach out and hurt someone" who has done
nothing more than challenge an idea they hold dear, they *brag*
about the hurt that they imagine they've done.

Think back on the number of posts here that have claimed that the
Bad Writing they have hurled in vengeance at someone has "hurt"
the other person badly, and that -- one way or another -- the victim
of the Bad Writing Attack is "screaming" as a result. These claims
are often made in the face of the victim of the Bad Writing Attack
either laughing at the attack and the attacker, or going about their
business and ignoring the attack entirely, as if neither the attack or
the attacker were worth their time.

As far as I can tell, that last approach pisses off the chronic haters
more than anything else. Being treated as if nothing they say matters
and as if they are just blowhards not worth worrying about IMO
reminds them that they ARE just blowhards and that nothing they
say matters. So they redouble their efforts and follow up hate with
more hate, making claims at the same time about how much they've
"hurt" the other person, and how much the victims of their Bad
Writing Attacks are "really" screaming inside.

It's almost as if the disease that causes people to hate for a living
a side effect that causes them to over-imagine the impact and the
effect of the hate.

I think that anyone sensible looking at the T-shirt in the photo above,
and then looking at the self-hatred-personified nature of the T-shirt
wearer's face and body, cannot believe for a moment that this poor
woman has ever in her whole life caused anyone to scream. But I'll
bet that she claims she has, and thoroughly believes it.

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