So you went to Austin, drank some wine and got a real good bikini waxing.

How often do you wax Silly Willy?

--- In, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> > > So, you drank some wine yesterday!
> > >
> Joe:
> > You sound real scared about this wine. 
> >
> Joe, I go on a road trip almost everyday to Austin, 
> Texas, and have a good time listening to live 
> music, so I'm not very impressed with Turq's little 
> 'road trip' to a local winery over in Spain.
> I bought my daughter a house in Wine Country, up
> in Sonoma, Valley, California, and I fly out there 
> several times every year and drink some good wine. 
> > Maybe it's because of the waxing you took from 
> > Judy several weeks ago.
> >
> Judy hasn't responded to any of my posts of substance
> since at least June 22, 2006, so she's hardly given 
> me a 'waxing' lately. 
> In fact, I waxed Judy real good for supporting Jack 
> Murtha's false charge that U.S. troops killed 
> civilians 'in cold blood' in Haditha, Iraq and then
> tried to 'cover it up'!
> You are not making any sense - maybe you should take
> a road trip yourself and learn how to read, Sir.
> Read more:
> "This is what the Marine Corps told me at the highest 
> level. I know there was a cover-up someplace. They 
> knew about this a few days afterward and there is no 
> question that the chain of command tried to stifle 
> the story." - Jack Murtha 
> "I said it had been established that Marines stormed 
> into a house and murdered a family..." - Judy Stein
> Date: Wed, May 24, 2006 5:41 pm
> Groups: alt.meditation.transcendental 
> Subject: Shut your stinking mouth!
> Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, alt.politics
> From: Willytex (Master Pundit) 
> Date: June 22, 2006 7:32 pm
> "An investigation into the death of 24 Iraqi civilians 
> last November in Haditha focusing on whether senior 
> military personnel covered up the deaths reportedly 
> found several failures to follow up by Marine
> commanders, but no deliberate cover up of the deaths..."
> Full story:
> 'No deliberate cover-up of Haditha incident by Marine 
> officers: LA Times'
> By Jaime Jansen
> Jurist, June 22, 2006

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