Tell ya what Tex. You want to talk about creative writing? Let's see you go for 
one week without writing trolly posts and without using the following phrases:

1. You sound real scared.

2. You aren't making any sense today.

3. You need to get some smarts

4. Maybe so more

5. Go figure.

There are many more...we could have a contest: Silly Willy's Greatest Hits!

Let see if you can make it for one week without using those phrases. I'm sayin' 

What say you Willy Coyote?

--- In, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> > > > > So, you drank some wine yesterday!
> > > > >
> > > > You sound real scared about this wine. 
> > > >
> > > Joe, I go on a road trip almost everyday to Austin, 
> > > Texas, and have a good time listening to live 
> > > music, so I'm not very impressed with Turq's little 
> > > 'road trip' to a local winery over in Spain.
> > >
> Joe:
> > So you went to Austin, drank some wine and got a real 
> > good bikini waxing.
> >
> So, you can read, Joe. Now all you have to do is learn
> how to write! Why do almost all of your messages start
> and end on one line, and begin with RE: Judy? Maybe it's
> because you can't carry on a conversation longer than
> one or two seconds without getting scared. Have you been
> up to Deadwood, S.D. lately?
> > >
> > > 
> > > I bought my daughter a house in Wine Country, up
> > > in Sonoma, Valley, California, and I fly out there 
> > > several times every year and drink some good wine. 
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > > Maybe it's because of the waxing you took from 
> > > > Judy several weeks ago.
> > > >
> > > Judy hasn't responded to any of my posts of substance
> > > since at least June 22, 2006, so she's hardly given 
> > > me a 'waxing' lately. 
> > > 
> > > In fact, I waxed Judy real good for supporting Jack 
> > > Murtha's false charge that U.S. troops killed 
> > > civilians 'in cold blood' in Haditha, Iraq and then
> > > tried to 'cover it up'!
> > > 
> > > You are not making any sense - maybe you should take
> > > a road trip yourself and learn how to read, Sir.
> > > 
> > > Read more:
> > > 
> > > "This is what the Marine Corps told me at the highest 
> > > level. I know there was a cover-up someplace. They 
> > > knew about this a few days afterward and there is no 
> > > question that the chain of command tried to stifle 
> > > the story." - Jack Murtha 
> > > 
> > > "I said it had been established that Marines stormed 
> > > into a house and murdered a family..." - Judy Stein
> > > 
> > > Date: Wed, May 24, 2006 5:41 pm
> > > Groups: alt.meditation.transcendental 
> > > 
> > > Subject: Shut your stinking mouth!
> > > Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, alt.politics
> > > From: Willytex (Master Pundit) 
> > > Date: June 22, 2006 7:32 pm
> > >
> > > 
> > > "An investigation into the death of 24 Iraqi civilians 
> > > last November in Haditha focusing on whether senior 
> > > military personnel covered up the deaths reportedly 
> > > found several failures to follow up by Marine
> > > commanders, but no deliberate cover up of the deaths..."
> > > 
> > > Full story:
> > > 
> > > 'No deliberate cover-up of Haditha incident by Marine 
> > > officers: LA Times'
> > > By Jaime Jansen
> > > Jurist, June 22, 2006
> > >
> > >
> >

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