> > Yoga is derived from the root word yuj, to harness;
> > it means the act of harnassing...
> >
> योग  (H2) योग [p= 854
You put a yoke on oxen, but not on horses. A horse is 
controlled by a harness, not a yoke. The art of plowing
wasn't even invented until after the arrival of the
Aryan speakers in India. Maybe that's why Lord Krishna 
uses a horse drawn chariot instead of riding on a plow 
pulled by an ox! Yogis aren't supposed to be plowing up 
the ground. 

Yogis use enstatic techniques to 'rein in' wild thoughts 
and delusions. All yogis have to do is invoke the God 
of Yoga, Ishvara, in order to be in isolation - farmers 
in contrast, have to propitiate all kinds of Gods with 
elaborate rituals, in order to gain favor for a harvest. 
Yogis enjoy, while farmers have to suffer.

But, the point is, that the Purusha can never be 'united' 
or 'yoked' with prakriti. According to Mahesh Yogi, the 
Purusha is totally separate from the prakriti. The use 
of the word 'union' in yoga literature is thus a misnomer.

Yoga is concerned with *isolating* (kaivalya) the Purusha, 
not uniting the relative with the Absolute. The Absolute 
stands all by Itself, as a witness to Itself. The Absolute 
is not an object of knowledge.

Sage Kapila, Rishi Patanjali, Veda Vyasa, and the Acharyas
Badarayana, Madhva, Ramanuja, Vallabha, and Nimbarka all
agree on this. 

Read more:

Subject: They All Agreed
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: December 16, 2001

> <http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/monier/serveimg.pl?fil\
> e=/scans/MWScan/MWScanjpg/mw0854-yuktikathana.jpg> ,3] [L=172001]   &c 
> » pp. 856 , 858.     (H1) योग [p= 856
> <http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/monier/serveimg.pl?fil\
> e=/scans/MWScan/MWScanjpg/mw0856-yuSmota.jpg> ,2] [L=172324]  m. (
> √1. युज् ;  ifc.  f(आ).) the act of yoking ,
> joining ,  attaching , harnessing , putting to (of horses)  RV.     MBh.
> [L=172325]   a yoke , team , vehicle , conveyance   S3Br.    Kaus3.   
> MBh.      [L=172326]   employment , use , application ,  performance 
> RV.    &c      [L=172327]   equipping or arraying (of an army)   MBh.
> [L=172328]   fixing (of an arrow on the  bow-string) ib.     [L=172329]
> putting on (of armour)  L.       [L=172330]   a remedy , cure   Sus3r.
> [L=172331]   a means , expedient , device , way ,  manner , method  
> MBh.    Ka1v.   &c      [L=172332]   a supernatural means , charm , 
> incantation , magical art ib.     [L=172333]   a trick , stratagem ,
> fraud , deceit  Mn.     Katha1s.  (cf. योग-नन्द)
> [L=172334]   undertaking , business , work  RV.    AV.    TS.      
> [L=172335]   acquisition , gain , profit , wealth ,  property ib.  
> Kaus3.    MBh.      [L=172336]   occasion , opportunity   Ka1m.   
> Ma1rkP.      [L=172337]   any junction , union , combination ,  contact
> with (instr. with or without सह  , or  comp.).    MBh.    Ka1v.  
> &c  (योगम्   √ इ , to agree , consent ,
> acquiesce in  anything  R. )      [L=172338]   mixing of various
> materials , mixture    MBh.   R.     VarBr2S.      [L=172339]  
> partaking of , possessing (instr.  or  comp.)   Mn.    R.     Hariv.
> [L=172340]   connection , relation (योगात् ,
> योगेन and योग-तस्  ifc.  in
> consequence of , on account of , by reason of , according to ,  through)
> Ka1tyS3r.    S3vetUp.   Mn.    &c      [p= 856
> <http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/monier/serveimg.pl?fil\
> e=/scans/MWScan/MWScanjpg/mw0856-yuSmota.jpg> ,3] [p= 856
> <http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/monier/serveimg.pl?fil\
> e=/scans/MWScan/MWScanjpg/mw0856-yuSmota.jpg> ,2] [L=172341]   putting
> together , arrangement ,  disposition , regular succession   Ka1t2h.    
> S3rS.    [p= 856
> <http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/monier/serveimg.pl?fil\
> e=/scans/MWScan/MWScanjpg/mw0856-yuSmota.jpg> ,3] [L=172342]   fitting
> together , fitness ,  propriety , suitability (°à¤—ेन   ind.
> and -तस्  ind. suitably , fitly , duly , in the right  manner)
> MBh.    Ka1v.   &c     [L=172343]   exertion , endeavour , zeal , 
> diligence , industry , care , attention
> (°à¤¯à¥‹à¤—-तस्  ind. strenuously , assiduously ;
> पूर्णेन योगेन , with all one's
> powers , with  overflowing zeal)  Mn.     MBh.   &c      [L=172344]  
> application or concentration of the  thoughts , abstract contemplation ,
> meditation , (esp.)  self-concentration , abstract meditation and mental
> abstraction  practised as a system (as taught by
> पतञ्जलि  and called the योग philosophy ;
> it is the  second of the two सांख्य systems , its
> chief  aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain
> complete union with ईश्वर or the Supreme  Spirit ; in the
> practice of self-concentration it is closely connected  with Buddhism) 
> Up.     MBh.    Ka1v.   &c  ( IW.   92)     [L=172345]   any simple act
> or rite conducive to योग or abstract meditation   Sarvad.
> [L=172346]   Yoga personified (as the son of धर्म and
> क्रिया)   BhP.      [L=172347]   a follower of the
> योग  system   MBh.    S3am2k.      [L=172348]   (in
> सांख्य)  the union of soul with matter (one of the 10
> मूलिक-अर्थाs  or radical facts)   Tattvas.
> [L=172349]    (with पाशुपतs)   the union of the
> individual soul with the universal soul   Kula7rn2.      [L=172350]   
> (with पाञ्चरात्रs)   devotion , pious seeking
> after God   Sarvad.     (H1B) योग [L=172351]  m. (with
> जैनs)   contact or mixing with the outer world ib.     (H1B)
> योग [L=172352]  m. (in astron.) conjunction , lucky 
> conjuncture   La1t2y.    VarBr2S.    MBh.   &c      [L=172353]   a
> constellation , asterism  (these ,  with the moon , are called
> चान्द्र-योगाः and  are 13 in number
> ; without the moon they are called ख-योगाः  , or
> नाभस-योगाः)   VarBr2S.      [L=172354]   the
> leading or principal star of a  lunar asterism  W.       [L=172355]   N.
> of a variable  division of time (during which the joint motion in
> longitude of the sun  and moon amounts to 13 degrees 20 minutes ; there
> are 27 such योगs beginning with
> विष्कम्भ  and ending with वैधृति)
> ib.     [L=172356]   (in arithm.) addition , sum , total   Su1ryas.   
> MBh.      [L=172357]   (in gram.) the connection of words  together ,
> syntactical dependence of a word , construction   Nir.    Sus3r.  (ifc.
> =  dependent on , ruled by   Pa1n2.  2-2 , 8 Va1rtt. 1)     [L=172358]  
> a combined or concentrated  grammatical rule or aphorism   Pa1n2.  Sch.
> Siddh.  (cf. योग-विभाग)     [L=172359]   the
> connection of a word with its  root , original or etymological meaning 
> (as opp.  to रूढि q.v.)   Nir.    Prata1p.    Ka1tyS3r. 
> Sch.     [L=172360]   a violator of confidence , spy  L.      
> [L=172361]   N. of a Sch.  on the परमार्थसार   
> (H1B) योगा [L=172362]  f. N. of a शक्ति  
> Pan5car.     (H1B) योगा [L=172363]   f. of
> पीवरी  (daughter of the पितृs called
> बर्हिषद्s)   Hariv.

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