Maybe I will dare to try and shed some light on this. From the book, it's clear 
that MMY felt very conflicted about his sexual activity, at least during this 
time. After their first time together, MMY cancels all of his lectures (in the 
Rishikesh lecture hall) for the day. Judith became concerned about MMY's health 
and immediately went to him. She found him there with Tatwallababa rubbing his 
feet and several other saints in attendance. He dismissed them and told her 
"you've made my kundalini energy go this way" (down) Judith was horrified and 
full of guilt. But then MMY pats the bed (meaning come sit) and they screwed 

It;s clear that MMY, at this time felt very conflicted about this. It appears 
(and this is just reporting on what Judith observes) that he may have felt less 
conflicted as time, and the women, went on.

However, it is interesting that it was during this time that MMY started the 
"M" group of western celibate monks. 

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > From: []
> > On Behalf Of authfriend
> > Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 8:09 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay/Judith Bourque
> > 
> > --- In
> > <> , "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > 
> > Nabby wrote:
> > > > > Is that so ? You're greatly misinformed.
> > 
> > Rick wrote:
> > > > > Watch the Larry King interview
> > > > > <>
> > > > > This was taped quite late in his life. King 
> > > > > asked him if he had any children, and he said 
> > > > > he was a monk.
> > 
> > Nabby wrote:
> > > > How can you claim that He was not a monk at this 
> > > > time ?
> > 
> > Rick wrote:
> > > > That wasn't King's question. He asked whether MMY 
> > > > had any children. They might have been 40 years 
> > > > old for all King knew. MMY's answer was that he
> > > > was a monk, which implied that he didn't have 
> > > > children for that reason.
> > 
> > Nabby wrote:
> > > So now Dr. Smear, the king of rumour, Rick Archer 
> > > claim that Maharishi has fathered a child.
> > 
> > Rick wrote:
> > > I'm not claiming anything of the sort. All I'm 
> > > saying this that his answer to Larry King's 
> > > question about whether he had any children was that 
> > > he didn't because he was/is a monk. We're 
> > > discussing the point because you claimed that he 
> > > didn't claim to be a monk, despite that fact that 
> > > throughout his life, he did often claim to be one.
> > 
> > Nabby never said MMY didn't claim to be a monk, Rick.
> > 
> > He seemed to be saying that MMY admitted a hiatus in his 
> > monasticism.
> He said explicitly that MMY was *brahmacharya*--including
> at the time of the King interview--for all but a short
> period.
> And a claim to be a monk, FWIW, is not necessarily a claim
> to be celibate. It virtually always means one doesn't have
> a family (partner and children), however.
> King asked if MMY had children as a delicate way of 
> asking if he was celibate, but MMY chose to interpret the
> question literally, which he surely had a right to do.
> Whether one is celibate is a rather personal question--
> none of King's business--and MMY was under no obligation,
> IMHO, to respond directly to what King's question had
> only implied. (Although, if King had asked him, "Are you
> celibate?" he could have honestly responded that he was.
> Just not if King had asked him, "Have you always been
> celibate?")
> I could certainly be wrong, but I'm guessing he was very
> careful as to what he said about his sexual status,
> allowing folks to *assume* things that weren't the case
> without telling outright falsehoods.
> Be interesting to see if Bourque's book sheds any new
> light on this aspect. More than anything else, I'm curious
> about how *MMY* viewed his sexual activity.

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