From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:55 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay/Judith Bourque
> Why should I read a book by a girl only brave enough to publish it after
> passing ? 
> I have no idea if the story is true, but if it is I see nothing wrong in
> Maharishi did not wear ocher robes and was free to do as He pleased.
> He wore white robes, which signify bramacharya, 

Which He was but for a short period in life. BTW; white robes signify a
number of "things".

and he claimed throughout
> his life to be a lifelong celibate 

Is that so ? You're greatly misinformed. 
Watch the Larry King interview <>
. This was taped quite late in his life. King asked him if he had any
children, and he said he was a monk. You know darned well that he said this
many times over the years, and never said the opposite.
You don't see something wrong with the
> fact that he had numerous lovers, half his age?

Not at all, so have I.
Yeah, but you don't claim to be a monk, and aren't a guru with all the power
and authority that implies.
You're dancing around this issue. We've been discussing it for years, and
all the while you've been accusing me of spreading unfounded rumors. Now the
evidence is a lot more substantial, and instead of disputing it, you're
excusing it. 

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