Thank you, Joegeezerfreak, "another woman" and all those loved ones in FF and 

Holding secrets of betrayal and violation for so long is stifling to the soul.  

Why did these women, both Judith and the "other anonymous" feel so afraid to 
speak of their experience for decades?  
Because they feared retribution, isolation, and rejection from loved ones.

Such fear and repression of free speech and open dialogue are common 
manifestations within a destructive cult.

Mediation has benefits, no doubt.
However, there is no need for high costs, secret ceremonies, guilt trips about 
absence from group programs, neglect of children, in the name of spirituality.

In my opinion, MMY was a skilled charming and brilliant manipulative PIed 
Piper.  Many folks, my family included, willingly followed his tune of perfect 
peace and harmony. 
Dancing together for a deemed divine mission felt great for awhile. 

To my loved ones still in TM mindset, and those out : there is no Santa Claus.
There is no perfect guru.  There is no perfect path, nor one answer to achieve 
world peace, perfect health, enlightenment and business success.  darn it!

May others feel increasingly safe to come forth with their multidimensional 
stories.  May those who were injured - sexually, through psychosis, loss of a 
loved one to suicide, bankruptcies, untreated cancers, broken families, be 
loving received by the community which so many love.  

Blame-the-victim for speaking their unpleasant stories is typical behavior of a 
destructive cult.

>From the very beginning, MMY taught us to keep the mantra secret "for your own 
>benefit" - thus began mind control and normalization of secrets for mystical 

My loved ones in FF and the TM Movement: you are better than such behavior!  
You are capable of compassion, you are intelligent and caring.  
For that reason, I continue to love my dear community of old.

"The truth shall set you free"  - even though it may initially bring some 

Thanks Rick for keeping this forum open.  I rarely visit here, but was 
encouraged in relation to Judith and "the other woman"

Jai to free speech, open and supportive dialogue, and recovery to all,

Gina Catena

--- In, "Joe" <geezerfr...@...> wrote:
> Wow. There is so much heartfelt feeling in her's truly 
> heartbreaking.
> Those who have been so quick to condemn Judith....think about it. Think about 
> it carefully and honestly. Despite all the attempts at mud slinging, all that 
> anyone has been able to come up with is:
> 1. Judith and Conny Larson knew each other. Yes, correct, Conny was one of 
> MMY's personal assistants at the time her affair with MMY started and on 
> through through the Seelisberg beginnings.
> 2. Judith has continued on with the spiritual path of her choosing. (Shame on 
> those who condemn her for this. Think about it. You, who call butt bouncing 
> "flying" condemn her for being "off" your program.
> 3. Judith and Conny reconnected 30 years (or so) later. Makes sense to me and 
> this is covered in her book. They both live in Sweden and they both teach 
> meditation. They would hear about each other. When Judith came to read of 
> Conny's abuse at the hands of Sai Baba, she realized they had something in 
> common in addition to the shared time with MMY. 
> Whoever wrote this new message, has clearly been moved by Judith's story. 
> Please, let's honor this person's courage and honesty in coming forward. The 
> TMO is not an organization that is , shall we say,  "friendly" with those who 
> have even the slightest degree of criticism. For her to come forward, even in 
> this way, took a lot of courage.
> You know that age old expression: the truth shall set you free. Let's give 
> the truth a chance to enlighten people to certain realities of the man we all 
> followed.
> No one is saying MMY did not have value. No one is saying he didn't bring a 
> wonderful thing to the world.
> But I believe it is important to understand that he was a man,....a flawed 
> man like all men. I would assume that most here would like to know the truth. 
> Please allow these people the respect they deserve to allow them to come 
> forward if they wish and say what they want to will help their own 
> healing and it will help a TMO much in need of its own healing.
> --- In, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > Anonymously:
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Dear Rick
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Of course please keep my name and position private.  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I have been reading, almost obsessively-compulsively, the sequential
> > 
> > discussions re: Judith's book on FFL.  At first it was with a sigh of
> > 
> > relief, that one lady had opened up, and was so well received.  Now the dirt
> > 
> > is rolling in--people doing their best to cast doubt on her experiences, to
> > 
> > besmirch her integrity, to ridicule what she has to say just so they will
> > 
> > feel better.  And people wonder why the other ladies don't come forward.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I remember Judith from Squaw Valley days.  She had been put in charge of
> > 
> > cleaning M's rooms and silks.  She had the most beautiful saris.  I asked
> > 
> > her where she bought them and she explained that M had given them to her.
> > 
> > Immediately my radar went up; she had done something personal with him that
> > pleased him,
> > 
> > I surmised, and he gave her something beautiful in exchange.  Having been
> > propositioned by M
> > 
> > myself but turning him down, I had not received anything for that one night.
> > 
> > Even way back  then with Judith, I thought, maybe if I had said
> > life would have
> > 
> > turned out better. I would be allowed to be closer. Now it's easy to see
> > that isn't always the case.  
> > 
> > It helps to know that.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Judith probably has done more for the other ladies who went through similar
> > 
> > experiences than any one else.  Remember also that she left the Movement and
> > 
> > went off on her own path.  She has had the freedom to speak the truth.
> > 
> > My psychology is better now for what she has written.  Truth, sweet truth
> > 
> > helps.  And Judith sees the good that M has done for the world.  It is the
> > 
> > technique of meditation that counts.  Does THAT work?  That is what he
> > 
> > marketed to the world and hopefully today the world is a better place--not
> > 
> > perfect, just a little better.  No one likes everything about something or
> > someone;
> > 
> > that is the nature of the relative--it's not perfect.  I guess we forget
> > 
> > that in our quest for absolute anything.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > But shouldn't we focus on what does work,
> > 
> > what is good?  That's what Scriptures keep telling us to do and there must
> > be a reason.
> > 
> > That instruction is not guru-based; it is evolutionary based.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > What FFLfers are now doing is not helping us heal.  Rather the fear is
> > 
> > returning, the sense of persecution is coming back to life.  If these people
> > 
> > ever find out......runs through my mind constantly. This probably will be
> > 
> > the closest I will ever come to going really public. This tiny missive that
> > 
> > hardly says anything.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > I guess I am asking FFlfers to please, please, please, give us ladies a
> > 
> > chance to heal.  It may be lies to you, it may be fantasy to you, but it's
> > 
> > not to those of us who went through it.  Keep that in mind.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > If anything, have compassion in your hearts and give us the space we so
> > 
> > desperately need to heal. 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > thank you
> > 
> > Yours Truly
> >

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