> > > > Do you think this is what they will be
> > > > teaching at the New York City Ground 
> > > > Zero mosque?
> > > >
> > > There is no Ground Zero mosque, not at Ground Zero,
> > > not two blocks from Ground Zero, nor are there any
> > > plans for one...
> > > 
> > > There are already two mosques in the neighborhood,
> > > however, one four blocks and the other twelve blocks
> > > from Ground Zero; both have been there for many
> > > years.
> > > 
> > > What they *are* planning to build two blocks from
> > > one corner of the Ground Zero site (but not visible
> > > from it) is an interfaith community center with a
> > > swimming pool, a gym, a culinary school, and various
> > > other non-mosque-compatible amenities. There will
> > > also be a prayer space, but no services or other
> > > functions will be held in it.
> > > 
> > I didn't ask you what the mosque would be called, or
> > exactly where it would be located - I asked if they 
> > were going to teach the 'hodud' at the new mosque.
> >
> There is no new mosque, as I just got done saying.
As I just got done asking, will they teach the sharia?

What are you dense? 

> > Islamic Republic of Iran: Penal Code Excerpts Relating 
> > to Women:
> > http://learningpartnership.org/en/node/167

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