On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 4:59 PM, wgm4u <wg...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> What a goofy program to begin with......NONE of them, I repeat NONE of them
> are functioning from the home of all the laws of nature, (OK,maybe a wee
> faint awareness, when they're not sleeping).
> What a disaster this whole program has been to the entire TM effort!! but
> then, maybe it's instructive as to who MMY really was to begin with..(hint,
> a Hindu reformer).
> Perhaps Jungian synchronicity, perhaps the Sport of Nature Maharishi always
talked about.  I only took 10 years to decide to take the Art of
Living/Kriya course.  The talk here about was Maharishi a petty, hateful
guy, the kriya, meeting teachers of another guru who are natural.  SSRS
stresses naturalness, forgivingness, helpfulness.  I at first looked down on
my friends who were still going to IA (on my support, airfare,
transportation, and so on).  Now I just let them be.  Let the Dome be.  I
will do my program, aided by the kriya I do before morning program.  Let
those who run MUM, the TMO and Dome policy go tither and commit fornication
upon thineselves.

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