--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> > > > Now obviously, these are Muslim historians 
> > > > writing two-to-three-hundred years after 
> > > > the events they describe...
> > > >
> authfriend:
> > I did not write the last three lines above, as 
> > you know. 
> > 
> So, you don't agree that obviously, these are 
> Muslim historians writing two-to-three-hundred 
> years after the events they describe.

I did not express an opinion either way, as you

> > You imported them and pretended you were
> > quoting me.
> >
> Quoting the author of the site you cited.

You imported those lines and pretended you were
quoting me.

> > As you also know, the notion that the name 
> > "Cordoba" is somehow incendiary is false.
> > 
> Not incendiary to you.

Not incendiary to anyone who's aware of the history,
as you know.

 But it is a fact that
> the Cordoba Mosque in Sapin used to be a
> Christian church, but was converted to a mosque
> during the Islamic conquest of Spain and was
> captured in 711 by a Muslim army. 
> You failed to point this out.

The link I provided points out all the relevant
information, including the above, as you know.

> > "Imam Feisal says he chose 'Cordoba' in 
> > recollection of a time when the rest of Europe 
> > had sunk into the Dark Ages but Muslims, Jews 
> > and Christians created an oasis of art, 
> > culture and science."
> > 
> > http://www.economist.com/node/16743239
> > 
> > If any of you had legitimate complaints against 
> > building the center, you wouldn't have to keep 
> > lying about it.
> >
> Most New Yorkers are objecting to the center

As I noted in another post, most *Manhattanites*
are in favor of it. They're a lot harder for the
bigots such as yourself to mislead.

> I have no opinion.

Bullshit. You wouldn't be pushing lies about it if
you didn't.

Have you ever had anybody spit at you?

Please consider yourself virtually spat upon.

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