> > I have no opinion.
> >
> Bullshit. You wouldn't be pushing lies about 
> it if you didn't. Have you ever had anybody 
> spit at you? Please consider yourself virtually 
> spat upon.
Stop the lying, Judy, you know that I didn't post
an opinion of wheteher or not the Islamic Center 
in New York should be built two blocks from Ground

But if the New Yorkers don't want an Islamic Center 
in downtown New York, two blocks from Ground Zero, 
who am I to say otherwise? 

You live in New Jersey! What's it to you if the 
Sufis have a church in Manhattan or not? What's it 
to you if a guy down in Texas wants to discuss a 
church in Manhattan?

Maybe you should just shut your big pie hole and
stop 'spiting' on everybody that doesn't agree 
with you!

"Still, it's worth pointing out that, as offensive 
as Rauf's post-9/11 comments were, they pale in 
comparison to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's now-infamous 
post-9/11 declaration that "the chickens have come 
home to roost..."

Read more:

'Ground Zero mosque: A bittersweet moment in American 
religious history'
By Eric Trager
New York Daily News, August 5, 2010 

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