Beck believes that non-belief in God (the Biblical God) is UnAmerican.
Also, he hates Woodrow Wilson.

--- In, "Joe" <geezerfr...@...> wrote:
> From the Christian Science Monitor:
> This from today's Wall Street Journal:
> Photos of the Beck event clearly show a big crowd. The weather was great – 
> whatever the exact figure, there were a lot of people there. The area along 
> the Reflecting Pool stretching out from the Lincoln Memorial was packed. 
> Groups were gathered under trees far on either side. Large conglomerations of 
> folks gathered all the way to the Washington Monument.
> The crowd was big enough to disrupt Washington's subway system, with service 
> from at least 12 stops disrupted due to long lines for entry.
> Given that context, let's wade into the numbers.
> Rally organizers, in applying for their permit, said they expected a crowd of 
> up to 300,000. And on Sunday, after the rally, Beck himself said on Fox News 
> that the event drew 300,000 people on the low end, and perhaps as many as 
> 650,000 people on the high end.
> Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) of Minnesota, at her own rally held on the edges of 
> Mr. Beck's event, said, "We're not going to let anyone get away with saying 
> there were less than a million here today because we were witnesses."
> However, a firm hired by CBS News to estimate the crowd put attendees at 
> between 78,000 and 96,000. The firm,, had three estimators 
> go over high-resolution aerial photos of the event, and then combined the 
> three estimates. (One of the estimators talks about the experience here.)
> These kinds of debates over crowd attendance go way back.
> We'll close with Joni Mitchell's line: "By the time we got to Woodstock, we 
> were half a million strong . . . "
> Except they probably weren't. Organizer Michael Lang later estimated the 
> Woodstock crowd at about 400,000. Only half of those had tickets.
> The final tally:
> Sky News: 500,000
> NBC News: 300,000
> D.C. Official: 300,000-325,000
> Glenn Beck: 300,000-500,000
> ABC News: 100,000+
> CBS News: 87,000
> --- In, "WillyTex" <willytex@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > do.rflex:
> > > Glenn Buck is 'restoring'  Real America 
> > > and God's values
> > >
> > "The crowd stretched from the memorial to 
> > the base of the Washington Monument, about 
> > a mile away, as Beck took the stage after 
> > the singing of the national anthem..."
> > 
> > 'Glenn Beck calls for national revival'
> > Politico, August 28, 2010
> >
> >

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